Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Updates from El Salvador!

Okay. I know I'm super late on these update videos, but my computer crashed and had to get it replaced.
So here they are. Enjoy!'
First Update!

Second Update!

These videos were edited by friend, Derek! Thanks again Derek for the videos!

Be blessed by the Lord!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

His will, not mine

"For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." - Galatians 6:8

When I read this verse I picture a man planting according to his own will, as oppose to the seasons. He tries to make something happen, but nothing is produced. Now he has no more seeds, and he's left with an empty bag.

We are like like this man when we try to do things according to our will and not God's. Instead of producing mountainss of fruit, we're just left with an empty field. But if we sow according to God's will, there will be an aboundace of fruit to harvest. For His will is like the seasons that are perfect for planting.

Application: I will try not to force things, but ask God to give me an opportunity to do His will.

Hook. Line. Sinner

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." - Galatians 6:7

This scripture hits right at the heart, reminding me who God is: an omniscience, omnipotent, and omnipresence Being. Nothing can be hidden from Him. Yet, I still find myself doing sinful things, acting as if He couldn't see it, and in the process undermining His attributes.

I conceive sinful thoughts knowing very well that He knows what I am thinking. I find myself doing sinful things as if He wasn't present, and when I continue to obey the flesh I find myself making a mockery of His greatest attribute: His banevolense.

Why do I do this? Why do I choose to act as if He can't read my thoughts? My heart? Why do I deceive myself in believing this deadly lie? Why do I mock God by belittling Him? To simplify the answer its because of Satan and our flesh.

Satan studies His prey, then cast out the bait to reel me in. When I snag his bait, its "Hook. Line. Sinner." I forget about God in the moment of indulging in my flesh, blocking Him out of my minds. When its over and the deed is done, I find myself at the foot of the cross, acknowledging Him. Filled with conviction, I ask, "God, what have I done? Why do I continue to do these stupid things?"

It hurts knowing that He shed His blood for me, and still I abide in the flesh. After that's done, where do I go from there? I feel like I'm not worthy of having a relationship with Him, that I'm not worthy of His grace. Do I just walk away from Him? He then speaks to me at the heart, "Jesse, I'm omniscience. I saw what you did before I came down to bear the cross for You, and even after knowing this I still died for you because You need a Redeemer. You need grace." He then points to a verse in 1 John: "If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). A verse I have known for awhile, but has never really spoken to me until today that God is faithful to forgive if I repent.

Application: I will memorize 1 John 1:9 and I shall remind myself of my life verse as well.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Your Convictions, Not Our Conviction

"For each one shall bear his own load." - Galatians 6:5

Each Christian have a set of convictions that they share. For example, getting drunk or high. But some may have different convictions that the Lord has placed in their own heart. For example, some may have convictions on using certain words, or watching certain television shows.

These unique convictions are stumbling blocks with your relationship with God, and the Holy Spirit has revealed it to you. Let me emphasis that part, "YOU." Those are meant for you and not the whole congregation, but many times we try to make our convictions theirs. When in reality God hasn't placed those convictions on their heart.

There is a saying that I've heard from Pastor Josh Harris, "You can't ride off the coat tail of someone's else's conviction." God has to show it to them as they continue to read His Word and walk with Him daily; being in tune with the Spirit. If we tell them to follow it it becomes legalism. A relationship of works, hindering their relationship with God.

Even as I write this I hear God saying, "Practice what you preach, Jesse." Then He reveals to me certain events where I pushed my convictions on how one should spend their money. See, my conviction is spending money irresponsibly. I use to spend my money on dumb things that were not needed, and I wouldn't have money to tithe. And I started to try to convict my friends with MY conviction.

Application: I will apologize to my friend for trying to force my conviction on her.

Need Help?

"But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another." - Galatians 6:4

As Christians we will encounter sins and trials that we will struggle with. And when we encounter them we turn to God and His word, but it doesn't SEEM enough to help us through the midst of the pain. Where do you go after that? Well, Paul says to bring it to a brother or sister to help you (Galatians 6: 1-2).

You will find that you are not alone. That there are people how struggled with the sins that you struggle with. You'll find people who have gone through similar events as yours. They won't take it away, for God is the only one who can do that, but they will help guide you with wisdom that God has given them through those times, and to pray for you . To Help you draw closer to the Lord, expose things you didn't see before (2 Cor. 1: 3-4).

That is why we have a Church, to lift each other up through those difficult trials and temptations, to share wisdom that the Lord has given us. And when you've overcome them with the Lord, both you and brother/sister in christ can rejoice in what God has done through both of you.

Application: I feel like a sibling of mine is struggling with a burden, to show that regardless of how far I am I am still here for her as well. 

Big Ego

"For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." - Galatians 6:3

Have you ever ran into people who are full of themselves? So self-absorbed? People who thought so highly of themselves, that they would have pictures of themselves in there wallet, so they can look at how great they are. Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating on the last part, but I'm just trying to get you to bear with me here.

I dont know about you, but I have ran into countless of people with that ego. They believe that they were the "the cream of the crop". Thinking so highly of themselves, as if they invented the light bulb, or something. They often treat others like as a stepping stone to achieve their goals.

Then I became a Christian and I've never thought that I would run into anyone like that in the congregation. I thought that prideful ego only existed outside the church. Boy, was I wrong. I ran into this one guy who loved to take the glory when it belonged to God. When he taught it seemed like he wanted people to focus on him and not on God. He wanted to lead people to Christ, so he could be known as a great evangelist.

This man was doing so many things for the wrong reason. How do I know those were his intentions? Because I am that guy. I did things, so people could give me praise, and be admired for my works. I've notice it in the past, but I thought nothing of it. Man, was I wrong. It grew stronger in my life, to the point I saw myself above God. A very scary place. Since then, I've asked God to help me with prideful ego of mine, and God was faithful to do so. But sin creeps in when we lower our Guard and that's what happened with me. Now I find myself struggling with pride again.

Application: I will pray and ask God to take away my prideful ego.

Our Master Is Awesome

"'So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.'" - Luke 17:10

Servants didn't receive a "thank you" for serving their master. It was there position, and it was expected of them regardless of how tired they were. Now as Christ servants we shouldn't be receiving any form of thanks for the things that are expected from us. Instead, we should fall to our faces and say, "we are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty." Out of appreciation for what He did for us on the cross, giving His life to purchase us from our former owner, satan.

Yet, in the end, when we have fought the good fight and finish the race He will give us, His servants, a crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:7-8). And we will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things. Enter into the Joy of the Lord." Counting us worthy to enter into His kingdom.

Application: Tomorrow I will wake up early and play worship songs giving thanks to my Master.

Thanks, But No Thanks

"'Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not.'" - Luke 17:9

I know that God calls us to imitate His servanthood, knowing that most of the time we won't recieve any recognition of gratitude from man. But at times, when I serve someone I find myself waiting for those two words: "Thank you." To know that they appreciate what I have done for them. And when I don't hear those words I begin to complain about the person, saying to myself, "Wow. No thank you. What a jerk."

I have found the reason why I wanted that "Thank you" in the first place, it's becauase I wanted to know that the person acknowledge me for doing such a "selfless" act, so they could recognize what a "great" servant I am. I wanted to be glorified.

I wanted all the glory, forgetting who it rightfully belonged to; God. I just wanted that as my reward for my deed. But man's praise is so temporary, even if the crowd were to stand up and applaud for me serving I'll later find them sitting back down returning to their conversation, forgetting what I've done as if it never happened.

There are rewards that are eternal though. It comes from God and only God. No tip, or "Thank you" will ever compare to it. To obtain these rewards you have you have to have the right motives in your heart and that is to serve God and glorify Him.

Application: I remember Margret saying that if we don't have a desire to do something for God we can ask Him for that desire and He'll give it to us. So since I still struggle with this, I will pray for God to give me a desire to serve only to glorify Him, I will also go over the beatitudes tonight.

Don't Wait To Be Served; Serve!

"'But will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink'?" - Luke 17:8

I love it when Jesus gives a speech. His mouth flows with wisdom that no philosopher can achieve. He uses illustrations that point out social norms to show us His attributes, and in this case He shows us His selflessness.

He shows the nature of majority of masters: self-centered. As a master you view the servant as nothing more than property. He was yours to use in any way you wanted, weather it was plowing the field, or tending the sheep. The servant was a tool and nothing more, so its only fitting for the master to place himself first.

Then you come to Jesus, God in the flesh. Since He was and is God, then its only right to to give Him the title: Master. And He knew his diety. Yet, you didn't see Him say to his disciples, "Get on your knees, and wash my feet, this instant!" On the contrary, You saw Him pick up the bowl of water and towel, and wash the disciples feet himself. A Master doing the unthinkable, serving His servants; putting Himself last.

He did this as an example for us. As Christians we are called to mimic His selflessness by serving, or putting others before us. Yet, we find ourselves waiting to be served when we should be the ones waiting to serve. But don't get me wrong, its not only in serving that you can demonstrate selflessness. It can also be you allowing someone to go in front of you in the check out line at your local grocery store, or taking time out of your busy day to get a meal for a homeless man, maybe the seemingly meaningless act of giving the last piece of your chocolate, that you want for yourself, to a person who wants some. Its theses small acts that can speak volumes of who God is to people in a "self-absorb" society.

Application: I have found myself becoming self-centered. I will keep a look out for an opportunity to put someone before me This whole week.

Sip = Empty Bottle

"Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the inflicted." - Prov. 31:5

As I read this verse I see how a sip of sin leads to us ignoring or forgetting God and His word. James tells us how that happens: "When [fleshly] desire has concieved, it gives birth to sin, when it is fully-grown, brings forth death" (James 1:15). It's a process, not something that just happens.

When we are drawn away from God by our sinful desires we become vulnerable prey for satan, like a sheep that leaves its sheperd's side is vulnerable to be attack by wolves. There satan temps us with sin with an enticing voice, saying "Just have a little, it won't hurt you" or "God will forgive, so just do it." And so often, like sheeps we fall victim to our predator; believing his decieving lies.Only to later find out that us Christians, beings who are sinful by nature, are never satisfied with a sip. We crave more of it. We start practicing the sin in our lives, becoming drunk off of it. When you hit that stage you become numb to the Holy Spirit. We no longer feel the conviction. We die, forgetting God and His word. That sin that ensnares and kills us effects the people around us as well.

Application: I will memorize Proverbs 3:1-4: "My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart and so find favor and high esteeme in the sight of God and man."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Caring Master

“And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, “Come at once and sit down to eat’?” – Luke 17:7
At that time, no one cared for the servants. They were considered just tools and nothing more. They were inferior to people, including their master, so I highly doubt that a master would serve a servant. In fact, I don’t even think he would care much for the servant after working practically all day. But as Christ’s servants He doesn’t treat us as slaves. He welcomes us in to His lovely home, Heaven, to be seated in His presence, which none of us deserve.
Yet, if you think about it Jesus, the living God, was a servant. The Gospel of Matthew tells us: “…The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” (Matt. 20:28.) God came and served us, only for us treat Him as an outcast; considering Him a demon, or a mad man. They hated Him so much because He exposed us for who we really were. And yet, He still chose to become our sins and die for us: “…and to give His life for many” (Matt. 20:28). To show us the compassion, the very thing we didn’t show Him. Welcoming us into His home when we didn’t even welcome Him to ours. And when we are tired from serving Him and His people; when we have heavy burdens on our heart, He simply says, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my Yoke easy and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30). His compassion for us is just breath taking. He cares for us so much and at times we forget about that, or toss it out as “cool fact” about Him.
Application: I will send this to my Church’s youth group and ask them to put this on thier devotion bulletin to share with the kids about our God’s compassion for us.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


"Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." - Cor. 13:7

Often times when we read this part of the scripture we tend to ask ourselves, "Is this the love that I have for others?" Which is not wrong, but the question the Holy Spirit asked me is: "Is this the love I have for God?" I'm not going to lie, or sugar coat the truth. I don't have this love for my God.

You would think that this is the love I would have for God, the maker of the universe. Who knew my sins, my thoughts, my backsliding moments before I was even born...before the foundations of the universe and still loved me to point of dying on the cross for me. He endured humiliation when He deserved praise. He took lashes when He deserved glory. He wore a crown of thorns when it should of been a royal crown. He was pierced to a cross and hung there in unbearable pain when He should have been given a throne.

Jesus loved me and believed a sinner like me is worth redemption. After knowing this truth how can I not love Him with a love that is willing to endure trials. A love that is willing to believe all things are within His grasp. A love that is willing to trust Him with my very life.

The sad part is my love for Him is lukewarm when it should be boiling. I'm sorry God. Please give me a heart that burns with a passionate love for You.

Application: I will wake up early in the morning to spend time with my Lord and play some worship songs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tossing Mud

"Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;" - 1 Cor. 13: 6

Its amazing how God uses people to soften one's heart to be able to hear His voice. He used Joshua, Eloi, Paige's IBS, and this verse to shine light in an area of love I've fallen short in: "rejoicing in [one's] iniquity."

My father and I don't have the best father-son relationship, to be honest, we barely have a friendship. Now I see why. Whenever we spend time together it always ended up with us arguing; me tossing his sins in his face and rubbing it in. In other words, rejoicing in his iniquity.

I could try to justify my actions (which I'm use to doing), but in the end I have to realize that Jesus never rubbed my sins in my face. He chooses not to remember them; blotting them out. Yet, I find myself doing what Satan does best: condemning.

Want to hear something even more convicting? This man who I ridiculed using his sins gave me $2000 to go to Potters Field Ministry. I bet you if I didn't hear God pointing this out, and I were to get in an argument with my dad I wouldn't even remember the money he gave me for the school, just his sins that effected me. What is worse is my younger siblings are following my example.

Application: I will write my father a letter apologizing for my actions and allow him to remind me about the letter when I argue with him.

Lingering Cancer

"Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;" - 1 Cor. 13:5

At first when I read this I thought nothing in this verse convicts me, but as I continue re-reading it the Spirit really begins to draw my attention on a small fragment: "...Is not provoked." Instantly, God shows me events from my past (some just a couple days old) where my anger was easily aroused. He's showing me another nail I haven't hammered in on the coffin for my old self.

One event I remember in particular is the day I snapped at my mom full of anger. I've done this many times, which I've been convicted of, but this event is really pathetic on my part; continue reading and you'll agree with me.

One night I was on the computer probably on Facebook, and my mom calls out my name. She doesn't yell at all. She says calmly, "Jesse." I respond irritated, "What do you want?!" She comes to me and says, "Mijo, can you go through the Bible with me?"

My mom just wanted to learn more about God, and within that could of been the opportunity to share Christ redeeming love to her. I've allowed my anger to linger in my life, never really put effort in getting rid of it. Its like a cancer to my body, and instead of seeking medical treatment, I just pushed to the side hoping it would get rid of its self. Funny, how naive we are to believe the "little sins" are not a threat to our spiritual lives, or our witnessing. It is another lie that the enemy wants us to believe.

Application: I will pray and asked the Lord to reveal to me a piece of scripture to combat my easily provoked answer. Also, when I go back home I will ask my mom if she would like to have a bible study, something God has placed on my heart.

Update: I've sent my mom a letter apologizing for my anger and mistreatment. She forgave me and said I'm a good son. I love my mom.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Free As A Bird?

They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How [can] You say, 'You will be made free'?"- John 8:33
Have you ever heard the term: “I’m free as a bird”? It’s a phrase that is commonly used to show that one is not trapped. The problem with that phrase is that it’s false.  All birdwatchers know that the conduct of a bird is rigidly fixed, so birds are not actually free, but are trapped in an invisible cage of their instinct.
Now this becomes more relatable to the Christian. We at one point thought we were free, but in reality we were trapped in the cage of our sinful nature of lying, fornicating, having hatred in our hearts (murder), worshiping false idols, and the list goes on. We never see the cage until we stumble upon the Truth: the Gospel. Then we start see the cage we’re trapped in, and what the consequences of staying in that cage are. Immediately, we want out. We try to do it on our own strength forgetting that Christ is the only one that can open that cage door, and all we have to do is call upon His name. After that we are no longer Satan’s pet, but free to fly in God’s grace, mercy, and peace.
Application: I have been struggling with a sin lately. I thought I was free from it, but Satan has creeped it in again. I will ask Derek and Josh to pray for me.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

HTML Rulez D00d

"There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit." - 1 Cor. 12:4

     Paul is addressing a problem that still lingers in the Church. The problem is that we compare gifts that were given from the Lord, and we sometimes become jealous. Well, I know I have, sadly. I've seen people's gifts and I begin to wish I had them.
     I fail to realize that we were all given these gifts for a reason. Pastor Mike once told me that we all have different gifts for different roles in God's kingdom. It's true, I don't have a gift for evangelizing, but that does not mean I don't play a role. And these gifts come from the same source: God.

Application: I will be content with my gift by using it to bless others around me.

Truth or Lies

"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit." - 1 Cor. 12:3

      No one who claims to be a Christian can say that Jesus is not Lord. So many cults twist scriptures to come up with strange claims like Jesus is an angel, or the brother of Lucifier. As I need to have a strong foundation for my belief that I may be able to respond to there claims. In order to do that, I mus be in God's Word to understand who God is and His character; to distinguish lies from truth.

Application: I have not been in the Word lately, so I will take atleast 30 mins. of my time to read.


"Now concerning spiritual [gifts], brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:" - Cor. 12:1

      Thorugh the Holy Spirit whatich was given to us from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to dwell in these vessels of ours. God kew that the world would be difficult to live in with the values given to us, so He gave us the Holy Spirit, also known as a "Helper." It is the Spirit of God dwelling in us to guide us, to convict us; to comfort us.
      The Holy Spirit is the golden ticket and Heaven is the Willy Wonka Factory, but Heaven is far more exceeds some candy factory, in fact, no mind can fathom it. Because of the Spirit we will be able to stand in the presence of God, and wehen He looks at us He won't see a sinful person. He'll see Himself, like a man who looks into a puddle of water and sees a reflection of himself.
      With that being said, I am missing acouple things the Spirit also give us. The Spirit also gives certain people the gifts of: worship, leadership, teaching, etc. but we (and this is especially for me) can not be ignorant and believe that these gifts are from ourselves. That mentality puffs us up, rather then humbling us. Instead, we must realize that the gifts are from God. I always remember that.

Application: I will praise God and thank Him for my gifts.

Be Bold

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My Words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” - Mark 6:38

     Before I came to Potter’s Field Ranch, I was working and attending college. I was majoring in Philosophy. It’s a subject that has interested me for a while now. My faith in Jesus Christ led me to Philosophy.
     I would be questioned by my Atheist friends forcing me to look for evidence for my belief. I did. And God used Philosophy to answer them. As I began to go more I depth into Philosophy, I joined the philosophy club to enjoy philosophical discussions with people who enjoy deep discussions on subject. It was great at first, but then it went a direction I didn’t want it to go. We began to discuss about religion.
     A couple of them went on an all out attack on Christianity, misquoting Scripture, taking them out of context, and they attacked strawman arguments. I knew the answers to some of their recycled arguments such as, the problem of evil. But instead of standing up and engaging them in dialogue, I just sat their quiet as a church mouse. I was afraid of how they would view me, or that they would refute my answers. I did not see it then, but I see it now. I was ashamed of God. I could have just not cared about their opinions of me, and allow that experience of being questioned to push me to seek answers for them, which would strengthen my faith. But no, I was ashamed to be considered a Christian. I need to repent, and seek His forgiveness, and have a closer relationship with Him so that it won’t happen again, so I can say boldly, “I’m a Christian.”

Application: I will pray for the Lord’s forgiveness for my sin.

Pocket Full Of Change For Your Soul

"Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul.” Mark 8:37

            As I sit in my room meditating on this verse, events and certain philosophies from my past piece together in my mind. I wrote them in a story format:

            I’ve just arrived at my house coming from my friends, had a couple of bluts, and bong hits. I’m high, but it’s wearing off. As I sit in my room thinking of the things said during the Bible study that I went to earlier today. Pondering on the message, I then smell the weed on my clothes. Conviction strikes at my heart. I’ve done something terribly wrong and my heart knows it. I begin to see the truth: Satan has a snare on my soul. I drop to my knees asking God to get my soul back for me. I begin to try to bargain with God: “God, if you deliver me from Satan I’ll give up weed.” I hear His response in my heart: “It’s not enough.” “What more do you want from me?” I reply. “Give me your life; follow Me, and I will give you more than your soul. I’ll make you a new creation. I’ll become your Father and your closest friend. Salvation you will receive.” My heart begins to leap with joy and tears run down my face as I say, "You can have it." The prodigal son has returned home to his Father.

Verse That Came to Mind: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do [them]. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God."-Ezekiel 36:26-28

            Application: I will commit to praying more and reading His Word today to draw closer to God.

Fool's Gold

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul.”- Mark 8:36

            I’m sitting at a bus stop, listening to music, waiting for the bus to arrive to take me to my job. As I sit waiting somewhat patiently. I sit and stare at the cars driving by. Then I spot a 2004 Subaru WRX STI. It had the classic blue color with goldish brown rims, small wing in the back, and a turbo in the engine. My eyes open wide. I say to myself, “I want that car!” But then it drives away along with my desire for it.

            A couple minutes later the bus arrives. I get on, pay the toll and sit in the back. As I wait for my stop a kid listening to music enters the bus and sits right beside me. Curious to what MP3 player he has I look at it. Unnoticed obviously. I’m in shock. He has the brand new iTouch with a 16gb of memory, duel processor, games, wi-fi. This thing has it all. “Oh, how I wish I had it.” Then the kid leaves, I’m guessing it’s his stop, or he just thought I was creepy. Either way he walks away, taking my desire for the iTouch with him. Then I realize something, I’m desiring things I have no need for. Just like a baby that cries for a toy and when given it, it plays with it for a while and then throws it and begins to cry for a different toy. Here I am being that baby, forgetting to be content with Christ. Knowing that He is the one that actually satisfies my desire that fills in the God-shaped hole in my heart that no woman or object could fill.

Application: Material things either breaks or becomes obsolete, so today I will put away my phone for the whole day to focus on God more.

Losing Your Life

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.”-Mark 8:35

            We often believe that if we do good deeds we would be saved. Its not just non-believers that believe this even some Christians hold this view as well. Its as if they missed the verse in Ephesians, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself; it is a gift from God, not of works, lest anyone boast” (Eph 2: 8-9). No amount of good deeds can save us from the infinite punishment for committing a crime (sin) toward an Infinite Being.

God knew this so He became that payment to pay price for our sins, so through faith in Jesus we are given the gift of grace, which stands for: God’s Redemption At Christ Expense. I need to remind myself that this walk with the Lord is not always about doing good deeds,  but to walk with the Lord.

Application: I will spend more time in the Word by doing devotions in the morning and at night today. I will also commit to finishing the Old Testament before I officially leave Potters Field Ministry.

Going With The Flow

“When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, ‘Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8:34
            Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me…” at this moment everyone is saying, “I do Lord.” They’re eager to interrupt Him and respond to Him, but then they hear the rest of His speech, “…let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow me.” And as soon as that anxiousness to answer Him arose, it died and withered away. Now the crowd begins to discuss with one another saying, “Is this man mad?” They don’t want to deny themselves.

See, the problem is our society driven on selfishness. You may say that there are some who seek the well being of others, meaning they deny themselves and this is true. But I believe majority of them seek something in return, whether it be a material thing, or praise. They still seek a selfish desire. Our society teaches us to follow our hearts desire, and at times that means steping on someone else to achieve it, but I refuse to go with the flow of society, I’m going against it.  I’m going to deny my fleshly desires and follow Jesus.

Application: I will fast to weaken my flesh and draw closer to God.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Be Free To Reign...

“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,” Acts 2:45

            The people gave up their possessions, sold them, and split the profit with the Church. They didn’t want their material possessions to be their god, and they wanted to contribute to the Church. I myself, like them, own a few things.
I grew up in a home that was broken. My mother worked back braking hours to provide for the household. No, I don’t have a lot of clothes. I don’t have a lot of money. I don’t have a fancy car. I don’t have a house, but I do have a loving family. I have a good amount of clothes. I have enough money to get by, I have a car that gets me from point A to point B. I have a small apartment with my family that I’m happy to call my home.
Although I have little, I’m content. But this does not mean that I don’t have a false god reigning in my heart. I have bitterness and anger on the throne of my heart instead Jesus Christ. I see it now, and I will dethrone those emotions so my God can truly reign in my heart.

Application: I will pray and seek the Lord to help me get rid of the anger and bitterness in my heart. To resolve my issues I have through the Lord's strength.

The Body Is Missing A Toe.

“Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common” Acts 2:44

            I walk into a room. I see a great number of people gathering together. I say to myself, “Nothing strange about that.” But then I see the faces of the people. A joy radiates from them. I can’t figure out why they have this joy. Then I hear a man and women yell out, “Praise Jesus!” and “Glory to God!” I’m determined to find out why they are gathering, so I go up to the man and ask him, and he responds, “Gathering together as one body.” But I did not understand.
Still confused on why they are gathering. I go up to a woman and ask her, “Why are you gathering together?” With a smile on her face she replies, “Because we are here to fellowship and encourage one another and talk about Jesus Christ because He is our God; our all; our everything.” I begin to feel convicted. I too am a believer, but I’m afraid to join them, but I must not be afraid because Satan wants me to be out of the body of Christ. Satan wants me to feel alone, but in reality, I’m not. I’m with brothers and sisters in Christ who love the Lord and are here for me.

Application: I can’t be afraid to be close to my team, this family. When I have a struggle I need to come to a brother for prayer and encouragement. By doing that we draw closer as the body of Christ.

Ashamed of Christ...

“Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonder and signs were done through the Apostles.” Acts 2:43

            After the apostle Peter made an altar call for anyone to repent from their sin and receive redemption through Jesus Christ. Three thousand came up and accepted Jesus as their Savior. After they committed themselves to the Lord, they followed sound doctrine from the apostles, fellowshipped with one another, had communion, and were in prayer.
Then something amazing happened, “fear came upon every soul” (Acts 2:43). At first, that event doesn’t really sound amazing. In fact, its sounds terrifying, but its not. The word “fear” means to be in awe. The people were in awe by the signs and wonders the apostles were doing through Jesus Christ.
Today, it’s different. I do not have the ability to do signs and wonders to display to people to win them to Christ like the apostles. Some may see this as unfortunate, but I don’t because I can do something equivalent, if not, greater. I can share the redemption through Jesus Christ and how He saved me. I get to share how Jesus was beaten to the point that recognizing Him was difficult. How He was whipped, tearing His skin and flesh. How he carried the cross and was pierced to it. There He hung until His last breath was taken from Him.

At this point, many would much rather see miracles, but then I share the best part: Jesus rose from the dead three days later with trumpets roaring. Death could not hold him down.  After I share that, I get to tell them that what He endured was meant for us. Showing that we deserved death because of our sins, but He loved us so much that He would take our place on the cross and offer salvation through Him, that we may be able to enter heaven.

Yes, I get to share the Gospel, but in order to do that I have to actually share it. I can not be ashamed or afraid to share the Gospel..

Verse that came to mind: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”-Romans 1:16

Application: I cannot be ashamed or afraid to share the gospel. I have to be bold for the sake of the lost out in the word. I can prepare for this by strengthening my relationship with God through prayer and reading His word.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Prayer: first resource or last resort?

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer.” Acts 2:42

            The early church stood strong in the doctrines written by the apostles who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.  They fellowshipped with one another. The church had partaken in communion, remembering what their Savior did on the cross. They even came together and prayed.
            Every individual followed this, not out of legalism, but out of generous love for the Lord. We are to follow this example, but unfortunately, I did not. I thought it was unnecessary to follow that example. I viewed it as a burden. See, I read the Bible, attended church to fellowship; took part in communion, but prayer was something I struggled with.
            I had routine for praying, which was only to pray before I went to bed. It became spiritual laziness and legalism. On occasion I would pray when I was dealing with problems. Sadly, it was my last resort instead of it being my first resource. I wouldn’t start my day in prayer to thank God for another day. The thought of praying to ask the Lord to help me be a servant and witness to my co-workers before I went to work never came to mind. Not even once did I think of praying for my mother and father when they went to work knowing that they worked long and exhausting hours.
            At one point my “right before bed” prayer became a formula of words. It had no meaning. There’s was no heart in it. I’ve come to realize that in order for me to be a man of God I also have to be a man who prays to have a closer relationship with my Savior. I have to…no, WANT to discipline myself to be a man who “pray[s] without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).

Application: I will discipline myself to be in prayer because I Love God and I want a more intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

God is good!

Slowly, God is exposing certain things, and challenging me. He's breaking me, and watering me to be molded into the man He wants. Well, I'll keep this short because I have to do homework. I'm learning that God has always had a missionary heart since the Old Testament. I also finished my Inductive Bible Study class. Pastor Steve, the teacher, is amazing,. God is using him to really learn to get into the Word. He also showed how people get the wrong theology by taking verses out of context...really cool stuff. Well, I have to go now. God bless.