Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tossing Mud

"Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;" - 1 Cor. 13: 6

Its amazing how God uses people to soften one's heart to be able to hear His voice. He used Joshua, Eloi, Paige's IBS, and this verse to shine light in an area of love I've fallen short in: "rejoicing in [one's] iniquity."

My father and I don't have the best father-son relationship, to be honest, we barely have a friendship. Now I see why. Whenever we spend time together it always ended up with us arguing; me tossing his sins in his face and rubbing it in. In other words, rejoicing in his iniquity.

I could try to justify my actions (which I'm use to doing), but in the end I have to realize that Jesus never rubbed my sins in my face. He chooses not to remember them; blotting them out. Yet, I find myself doing what Satan does best: condemning.

Want to hear something even more convicting? This man who I ridiculed using his sins gave me $2000 to go to Potters Field Ministry. I bet you if I didn't hear God pointing this out, and I were to get in an argument with my dad I wouldn't even remember the money he gave me for the school, just his sins that effected me. What is worse is my younger siblings are following my example.

Application: I will write my father a letter apologizing for my actions and allow him to remind me about the letter when I argue with him.

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