Saturday, April 28, 2012

Your Convictions, Not Our Conviction

"For each one shall bear his own load." - Galatians 6:5

Each Christian have a set of convictions that they share. For example, getting drunk or high. But some may have different convictions that the Lord has placed in their own heart. For example, some may have convictions on using certain words, or watching certain television shows.

These unique convictions are stumbling blocks with your relationship with God, and the Holy Spirit has revealed it to you. Let me emphasis that part, "YOU." Those are meant for you and not the whole congregation, but many times we try to make our convictions theirs. When in reality God hasn't placed those convictions on their heart.

There is a saying that I've heard from Pastor Josh Harris, "You can't ride off the coat tail of someone's else's conviction." God has to show it to them as they continue to read His Word and walk with Him daily; being in tune with the Spirit. If we tell them to follow it it becomes legalism. A relationship of works, hindering their relationship with God.

Even as I write this I hear God saying, "Practice what you preach, Jesse." Then He reveals to me certain events where I pushed my convictions on how one should spend their money. See, my conviction is spending money irresponsibly. I use to spend my money on dumb things that were not needed, and I wouldn't have money to tithe. And I started to try to convict my friends with MY conviction.

Application: I will apologize to my friend for trying to force my conviction on her.

Need Help?

"But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another." - Galatians 6:4

As Christians we will encounter sins and trials that we will struggle with. And when we encounter them we turn to God and His word, but it doesn't SEEM enough to help us through the midst of the pain. Where do you go after that? Well, Paul says to bring it to a brother or sister to help you (Galatians 6: 1-2).

You will find that you are not alone. That there are people how struggled with the sins that you struggle with. You'll find people who have gone through similar events as yours. They won't take it away, for God is the only one who can do that, but they will help guide you with wisdom that God has given them through those times, and to pray for you . To Help you draw closer to the Lord, expose things you didn't see before (2 Cor. 1: 3-4).

That is why we have a Church, to lift each other up through those difficult trials and temptations, to share wisdom that the Lord has given us. And when you've overcome them with the Lord, both you and brother/sister in christ can rejoice in what God has done through both of you.

Application: I feel like a sibling of mine is struggling with a burden, to show that regardless of how far I am I am still here for her as well. 

Big Ego

"For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." - Galatians 6:3

Have you ever ran into people who are full of themselves? So self-absorbed? People who thought so highly of themselves, that they would have pictures of themselves in there wallet, so they can look at how great they are. Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating on the last part, but I'm just trying to get you to bear with me here.

I dont know about you, but I have ran into countless of people with that ego. They believe that they were the "the cream of the crop". Thinking so highly of themselves, as if they invented the light bulb, or something. They often treat others like as a stepping stone to achieve their goals.

Then I became a Christian and I've never thought that I would run into anyone like that in the congregation. I thought that prideful ego only existed outside the church. Boy, was I wrong. I ran into this one guy who loved to take the glory when it belonged to God. When he taught it seemed like he wanted people to focus on him and not on God. He wanted to lead people to Christ, so he could be known as a great evangelist.

This man was doing so many things for the wrong reason. How do I know those were his intentions? Because I am that guy. I did things, so people could give me praise, and be admired for my works. I've notice it in the past, but I thought nothing of it. Man, was I wrong. It grew stronger in my life, to the point I saw myself above God. A very scary place. Since then, I've asked God to help me with prideful ego of mine, and God was faithful to do so. But sin creeps in when we lower our Guard and that's what happened with me. Now I find myself struggling with pride again.

Application: I will pray and ask God to take away my prideful ego.

Our Master Is Awesome

"'So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.'" - Luke 17:10

Servants didn't receive a "thank you" for serving their master. It was there position, and it was expected of them regardless of how tired they were. Now as Christ servants we shouldn't be receiving any form of thanks for the things that are expected from us. Instead, we should fall to our faces and say, "we are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty." Out of appreciation for what He did for us on the cross, giving His life to purchase us from our former owner, satan.

Yet, in the end, when we have fought the good fight and finish the race He will give us, His servants, a crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:7-8). And we will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things. Enter into the Joy of the Lord." Counting us worthy to enter into His kingdom.

Application: Tomorrow I will wake up early and play worship songs giving thanks to my Master.

Thanks, But No Thanks

"'Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not.'" - Luke 17:9

I know that God calls us to imitate His servanthood, knowing that most of the time we won't recieve any recognition of gratitude from man. But at times, when I serve someone I find myself waiting for those two words: "Thank you." To know that they appreciate what I have done for them. And when I don't hear those words I begin to complain about the person, saying to myself, "Wow. No thank you. What a jerk."

I have found the reason why I wanted that "Thank you" in the first place, it's becauase I wanted to know that the person acknowledge me for doing such a "selfless" act, so they could recognize what a "great" servant I am. I wanted to be glorified.

I wanted all the glory, forgetting who it rightfully belonged to; God. I just wanted that as my reward for my deed. But man's praise is so temporary, even if the crowd were to stand up and applaud for me serving I'll later find them sitting back down returning to their conversation, forgetting what I've done as if it never happened.

There are rewards that are eternal though. It comes from God and only God. No tip, or "Thank you" will ever compare to it. To obtain these rewards you have you have to have the right motives in your heart and that is to serve God and glorify Him.

Application: I remember Margret saying that if we don't have a desire to do something for God we can ask Him for that desire and He'll give it to us. So since I still struggle with this, I will pray for God to give me a desire to serve only to glorify Him, I will also go over the beatitudes tonight.

Don't Wait To Be Served; Serve!

"'But will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink'?" - Luke 17:8

I love it when Jesus gives a speech. His mouth flows with wisdom that no philosopher can achieve. He uses illustrations that point out social norms to show us His attributes, and in this case He shows us His selflessness.

He shows the nature of majority of masters: self-centered. As a master you view the servant as nothing more than property. He was yours to use in any way you wanted, weather it was plowing the field, or tending the sheep. The servant was a tool and nothing more, so its only fitting for the master to place himself first.

Then you come to Jesus, God in the flesh. Since He was and is God, then its only right to to give Him the title: Master. And He knew his diety. Yet, you didn't see Him say to his disciples, "Get on your knees, and wash my feet, this instant!" On the contrary, You saw Him pick up the bowl of water and towel, and wash the disciples feet himself. A Master doing the unthinkable, serving His servants; putting Himself last.

He did this as an example for us. As Christians we are called to mimic His selflessness by serving, or putting others before us. Yet, we find ourselves waiting to be served when we should be the ones waiting to serve. But don't get me wrong, its not only in serving that you can demonstrate selflessness. It can also be you allowing someone to go in front of you in the check out line at your local grocery store, or taking time out of your busy day to get a meal for a homeless man, maybe the seemingly meaningless act of giving the last piece of your chocolate, that you want for yourself, to a person who wants some. Its theses small acts that can speak volumes of who God is to people in a "self-absorb" society.

Application: I have found myself becoming self-centered. I will keep a look out for an opportunity to put someone before me This whole week.

Sip = Empty Bottle

"Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the inflicted." - Prov. 31:5

As I read this verse I see how a sip of sin leads to us ignoring or forgetting God and His word. James tells us how that happens: "When [fleshly] desire has concieved, it gives birth to sin, when it is fully-grown, brings forth death" (James 1:15). It's a process, not something that just happens.

When we are drawn away from God by our sinful desires we become vulnerable prey for satan, like a sheep that leaves its sheperd's side is vulnerable to be attack by wolves. There satan temps us with sin with an enticing voice, saying "Just have a little, it won't hurt you" or "God will forgive, so just do it." And so often, like sheeps we fall victim to our predator; believing his decieving lies.Only to later find out that us Christians, beings who are sinful by nature, are never satisfied with a sip. We crave more of it. We start practicing the sin in our lives, becoming drunk off of it. When you hit that stage you become numb to the Holy Spirit. We no longer feel the conviction. We die, forgetting God and His word. That sin that ensnares and kills us effects the people around us as well.

Application: I will memorize Proverbs 3:1-4: "My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart and so find favor and high esteeme in the sight of God and man."